What does digital marketing look like for 2022?

We all know January is a good time to make plans for the year ahead. Our brains seem to like to have a properly delineated starting point, and the beginning of a new year is as good a one as most. Often we make plans for being healthier and happier, but it’s also a good idea to take a look at some of the likely business/marketing trends for the year and whether they can or should fit into our own plans. Here’s what we think we should all be looking out for in 2022:

More video content

You may not have wanted to hear this, but short video content of about two minutes or less (filmed portrait) are likely to be even bigger in 2022. Last week it was announced that TikTok (a short video streaming platform) has overtaken Google as the most visited website. That is a huge deal, and definitively shows what people want to see. So if you’re not working video into your social media strategy yet, 2022 is the moment. 

More authenticity 

This trend can also be said to be driven by TikTok to a certain extent. The platform’s most popular channels often just feature a person talking to the camera in a natural way. And audiences are getting tired of filtered, photoshopped and generally fake images on social media that make us feel bad about ourselves. In 2022 it seems that it will be increasingly important to show the person or  people behind the business, and to do so in a relatable, authentic way. 

Shopping small and local online

In the past, shopping small and local has usually meant going in to an independent physical store near you. However, Instagram and Facebook shops and local small business collectives coming together on one website has meant it’s now easier to support local businesses from the comfort of your sofa. To capitalise on this trend, make sure your social media makes it clear where you’re based, and that you’re a small independent (if you are of course). 


Lots of businesses haven’t bothered with TikTok yet, since they feel their target audience is older than the crowd that usually hangs out over there. Except TikTok is growing fast, and sooner or later your target audience is likely to either join, or its current users will grow up — still using the platform. And if you’re creating videos for Instagram and Facebook, you might as well share them to TikTok too right? In fact, if you’re wondering about TikTok but not sure, 2022 might be a good time to join and start experimenting, before you really need to do it seriously. 

Video conferencing

This one is slightly different as it’s not solely about social media—but generally we are all doing a lot more via live video link now. A lot of new platform updates contain some elements designed to make connecting over video easier and more natural. Apple’s latest operating system has some big changes to FaceTime. Twitter has brought in a new ‘Spaces’ feature. On Facebook Messenger you can create a ‘Room’ to chat—and there will likely be more features coming. And going Live on Facebook or Instagram has of course been around for a while. What does this mean? Well, your audience now expects the opportunity to be able to connect with you in real time online. Whether that’s delivering online training, going live to launch a new product or service, or hosting a discussion on a relevant topic, it’s never been easier to chat with your potential customers.

So, that’s our digital marketing predictions for 2022. Of course, we cannot definitely guarantee they will happen (life in the past few years has proved pretty unpredictable really), but they do seem at least extremely likely, not to say logical. It’s entirely up to you whether to implement them or not, but we definitely will be—so you know where to come if you need some help getting started, would like some guidance and advice, or even want someone to take it out of your hands altogether. 


Tips for making a TikTok or Reel


Writing for your audience